Get your groceries
delivered within 2 hours
How it works
The Express Delivery powered by Uber Eats service simplifies your grocery shopping in just a few easy steps:
Select the Express Delivery service (if available).
Place your order on metro.ca.
In case of a substitution, your shopper will call you to ensure that the substitution suits you. If you do not answer the call, they will do their best to choose a similar product.
Have your groceries delivered the same day, in less than 2 hours.
Running out of these products?
We've got you!
We deliver between 8 a.m. and 10 p.m., but delivery times may vary by location.
You can browse products and add items to your cart without an account, but you'll need to create an account before you can check out.
Your order will be prepared and delivered by a personal shopper from Uber Eats who is specially trained to select the freshest items using the same care you'd use if you were doing it yourself.
Yes. The service and delivery fees are $13.99 + HST.
To provide our customers with the best experience, the number of unique items is limited to 30.
Promo codes cannot be redeemed on Express Delivery orders.
Your groceries will be delivered in reusable cloth bags. You will be charged $0.33 per bag.
Alcohol, lottery, tobacco and other products intended for 18 years and over are not available with the Express Delivery service.