Breakfast of Champions

Always in a mad rush in the morning? Relax––we have some easy and energizing food combinations guaranteed to get your day off to a great start!
Rise and shine! Start your day off right with a hearty breakfast, including fresh vitamin-rich citrus fruit. It’s a great way to appetite your morning palate and give your body a boost of energy.

As Easy As 1,2,3
Eating breakfast helps to maintain a healthy weight and provide energy for the day. It really is the fuel to start your energy! Squeezed for time, you say? Our experts have come up with three simple healthy food combos that will satisfy and keep you full for longer.
Triple threat
A balanced breakfast should contain foods from at least three groups from Canada's Food Guide––a bagel with cream cheese and a glass of juice certainly fits the bill! Spread Selection cream cheese on toasted Irresistibles Lite Smart 12-grain bagel and enjoy with a glass of Irresistibles 100% juice blend.

Tastes soy good
A fortified soy beverage is a great source of protein, particularly for people who have a lactose intolerance. Drink it as is, cook with it or use it as a milk substitution to add to your breakfast cereal. Try Irresistible Bio fortified soy beverage with Irresistibles wheat flakes with probiotic yogurt drops. Then finish your morning meal with your choice of citrus fruit.
Breakfast sandwich
For a savoury well-balanced breakfast on the fly, place apple slices, Selection cheddar and DuBreton ham in a ciabatta roll then grill to desired doneness. Enjoy!