Our Sustainable Fisheries and Aquaculture Policy

Sustainable fisheries and aquaculture products are products that have been caught or farmed using responsible practices that do not endanger the health of the species or the integrity of natural environments, and respect workers’ rights.
At METRO, we recognize that the health of the oceans and preservation of natural resources are vital. METRO is also aware that the fishing and aquaculture industries face important issues that concern the sustainability of fish and seafood stocks, the protection of biodiversity and ecosystems, as well as working conditions. In this context, we believe it is important to use good procurement practices for the products offered in our Fish and Seafood department.
METRO has therefore adopted a Sustainable Fisheries and Aquaculture Policy. Adopted in 2010, updated in 2018 and again in 2022, the policy covers fresh, frozen and canned fish and seafood. It was developed based on scientific expertise, continuous monitoring of industry issues and trends, and relations with stakeholders interested in the matter. The policy is designed to oversee our procurement practices and foster the adoption of responsible fisheries and aquaculture practices. It is built around five procurement principles.
Procurement principles
1Healthy species
METRO believes that species health is an integral part of a responsible procurement process.
1.1 Wild species
METRO aims to commercialize wild species caught from healthy stocks whose fishing rates allow for renewal. A stock is considered healthy when it is not subject to overfishing and is not identified as being at risk. The species must be harvested in fishing zones that are well controlled and managed, and, when applicable, by means of quotas covered by the law and based on credible scientific assessments.
By fish stock, METRO means a group of individuals of the same species that live within the same geographic area that mix sufficiently to allow reproduction among them and have little contact with other stocks of that species.
1.2 Farmed species
METRO aims to commercialize aquaculture species that are farmed in healthy environments (water quality) which meet the different needs of the species. The practices used should minimize density and ensure that adequate feed is provided in terms of quality and quantity.
2Responsible operating methods
The fisheries and aquaculture farms that supply METRO will have to demonstrate that they use responsible operating methods, as well as recognized best practices.
2.1 Wild species
For wild species, METRO favours the use of methods that limit environmental impacts, including on the seabed, as well as selective fishing methods which reduce the volume of bycatch (undesired species that are caught accidentally).
2.2 Farmed species
For aquaculture species, METRO favours practices that minimize environmental impacts, both physically (air, water and soil) and biologically (fauna and flora).
3Product traceability
Traceability is a central factor in implementing responsible fisheries and aquaculture practices. At METRO, we place great emphasis on traceability, and have implemented a rigorous traceability system that allows us to document the supply chain from the fishing zone or farm to the consumer.
We rely on the collaboration of our suppliers in implementing the system. For each product sold at METRO, our suppliers provide us with key traceability information, such as the species’ scientific name, provenance, and operating method. METRO also requires all its suppliers to demonstrate their ability to document, when asked, their chain of supply, extending back to the fishing vessel or farm.
Due to this traceability system, METRO is able to provide customers with informative, transparent labeling.
Common and scientific names
Some commonly used names, like “tuna,” “shrimp,” and “scallops,” refer to a number of different species, sometimes hundreds of species. Some of these species may be completely sustainable, while others are not. The scientific names (Latin names) are unique to each species. Using them means we can be sure we are referring to the right species.
Some species are distributed over a wide geographic area. The stocks must therefore be assessed separately because there is little to no contact between them. A given species could therefore come from either a healthy stock, or a stock that is in poor condition. As there are marked differences between aquaculture practices, it is also important to identify the product’s source.
The place of capture (location) is the place where the product is caught or raised, whereas Canadian legislation defines the country of origin as the place where the product was last processed. A fish that was caught in Canada but filleted in China would be labelled as a “Product of China.” METRO’s detailed labelling clearly identifies where the product comes from.
Identification of the type of capture differentiates between wild and farmed products.
Operating method
Knowing the operating method is important because some fishing and farming techniques have much less environmental impact than others.
DNA program
In addition to its traceability program, in 2013, METRO introduced a DNA testing program which involves having an outside lab analyzing products that could present identification risks. This initiative assures us that the information provided by the supplier is true, that we have received the correct product, and that we have labelled it properly.
4Respect for workers
All METRO suppliers must adhere to the METRO Supplier Code of Conduct for Responsible Procurement, one principle of which is respect for workers, as proof of their commitment to meet these criteria:.
5Socioeconomic development
In keeping with its responsible procurement principles, METRO hopes that its Sustainable Fisheries and Aquaculture Policy will contribute to:
- The development of fisheries, aquaculture farms, and local processing facilities in Quebec and in Ontario, in conjunction with its local purchasing policy;
- The development of small-scale fisheries in the areas offering the products not available locally.
Policy implementation
Depending on the status of the stocks and operating methods used, METRO could put certain species under observation in its continuous improvement program, or temporarily withdraw them until there are no further issues.

1Continuous improvement program
METRO has identified specific groups of species that present increased risks in terms of sustainable fishing and aquaculture, either because the stock status is of concern or because of the potential impacts of the operating method used.
METRO nonetheless continues to sell these species under certain conditions. For all species placed in the continuous improvement program, vendors must meet the requirements established by METRO. Such requirements include obtaining credible, recognized certifications (such as BAP, ASC and Global GAP), active participation in species conservation, and improvement of fishing techniques.
The following species (or species groups) are under continuous improvement:
Open-environment farmed salmonids
- Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar)
- Rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)
- Steelhead trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)
- Coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch)
- Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha)
1.2 Imported farmed shrimps
- Pacific white shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei)
- Black tiger shrimp (Penaeus monodon)
- Banana shrimp (Penaeus merguiensis)
1.3 Imported farmed fish
- Tilapia (Oreochromis spp.)
- Basa (Pangasius spp.)
1.4 Apex predators
- Yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares)
- Albacore tuna (Thunnus alalunga)
- Skipjack tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis)
- Swordfish (Xiphias gladius)
- Mahi mahi (Coryphaena hippurus)
- Marlin (Makaira spp.)
2Temporarily withdrawn species
METRO continually assesses all of the fish and seafood products it offers in its stores. Some stocks have been deemed to be more sensitive than others, and temporarily removed from our inventory. The main reasons for a withdrawal are declining stocks, a stock that is not abundant enough to support commercial fishing, a stock that is clearly subject to overfishing, or a threatened species status. METRO assesses these stocks each year. If the situation has clearly improved, a temporarily withdrawn species could be put back in inventory.
METRO has temporarily withdrawn the following species:
Common name | Scientific name | Provenance |
Atlantic cod | Gadus morhua | Northwestern Atlantic Ocean |
Blue grenadier | Macruronus novaezelandiae | All regions |
Orange roughy | Hoplostethus atlanticus | All regions |
Sharks | All | All regions |
Skate | All | All regions |
Bluefin tuna | All | All regions |
Bigeye tuna | Thunnus obesus | All regions |
White hake | Urophycis tenuis | Northwestern Atlantic Ocean |
Grouper | All | All regions |
Northern red snapper | Lutjanus campechanus | Atlantic Ocean |
Southern red snapper | Lujanus purpureus | Atlantic Ocean |
Parrotfish | All | All regions |
Red mullet | Mullus barbatus | Mediterranean Sea |
Conger | Conger spp. | All regions |
Golden tilefish | Lopholatilus chamaeleonticeps | All regions |
Monkfish | Lophius americanus | Northwestern Atlantic Ocean |
Scabard fish | Aphanopus spp. | All regions |
Yellowtail snapper | Ocyurus chrysurus | Central America |