Dissecting Lobster

Lobster season is officially here! You'll be able to enjoy lobsters from Quebec starting the first week of May!
How to shell a lobster.
Twist each claw off with your hands. Using a lobster cracker, break the shell into several pieces, pull the thumb off, and remove meat with the help of a lobster fork.
Boiled lobster shell can be turned into bisque or used as a base for sauce.
Hold the lobster’s body with one hand and twist the tail off. Next, use a knife to cut the soft underside of the body in two, then use both hands to crack it open like a book. Finally, carefully pull the tail meat off in one piece using a fork.
Twist each of the 8 legs off, then nibble and suck the meat from the shell.
Tomalley is the name for a lobster’s liver, which is tender and green and can be found in the body cavity. Although a foodie favourite, it’s recommended that we eat no more than the equivalent of 2 lobster tomalleys per day.
Some lobster lovers claim that lobster eggs are really lobster caviar!