Advice From My Cheese Expert

Getting creative with cheese can be exciting and delicious! Get some advice from our cheese experts here.
My cheese expert
Where does cheese come from? How is cheese made? Fresh soft, semi-soft, semi-firm, blue-veined, washed or flowered cheese crusts… the percentage of fat and humidity in all types of cheese…which cheese is perfect for a specific recipe or occasion? Find the answers to all these questions in the Metro cheese expert section. You will also discover many original ways to cook and serve local and imported cheeses. So click on this section immediately to see what your Metro cheese counter has in store for you!

Cheese has been part of man’s diet for ages and it’s really no wonder! What probably began as a great way to conserve milk has evolved into what we now know to be a delicious and versatile family favourite that provides excellent nutritional value. To make a long story short, cheese is the perfect combination of health and enjoyment!
In this section, your Metro cheese expert offers you a brief description of the actual cheese-making process, the classification of the various cheeses according to the types of rind, the humidity and fat content and the different types of curd. There is also of course a host of practical information on buying, storing and refrigerating cheese, easy-to-prepare mouth-watering recipes, and everything you need to know to make your next wine and cheese party a great success.
Your Metro cheese expert would like to help you get to know all the different cheeses available and perhaps coax you into making a few tasty discoveries along the way.
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