Tasty Turkey Trimmings

What's a Thanksgiving turkey without all the trimmings? These chutney, sauce and stuffing ideas are great supporting players that will help the star of the show, the turkey, shine!
Chutney minute
Homemade chutney is a fast and easy accompaniment to turkey. The basic recipe couldn't be simpler: cook some jam, marmalade or fruit spread such as five-fruit marmalade, blueberry or black cherry jam, with onions and vinegar.
Cranberry Sauces
Cranberries hold a place of honour in Quebec traditions because they go so well with turkey. The three following recipes prove the point:
Stuff It!
What's turkey without stuffing? Calculate about 1/2 cup (125 mL) stuffing mix per pound (450 g) of turkey. If you're looking for ideas, try these recipes: