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At last... It's sugar shack time!

It's sugar season

Every season brings with it a different atmosphere, a distinct aroma, specific moments and impressions. Remember the smell of new school books in September, the excitement of the first snow flakes in December? This sense of expectation is exactly what we send you every month. Created and organized along monthly themes, we provide you with culinary tips, recipes and articles that will inspire you each and every time!

For many homes, a trip to the sugar shack is part of yearly spring traditions. It's an opportunity to meet up with friends and celebrate the arrival of milder weather.

Did you know?

American Indians have always known the gastronomic virtues of this sweet water, and used it to cook venison. They even used it for medicinal purposes, more specifically for the bronchus. Maybe one day we will discover its curative values.

An all-maple menu, from appetizer to dessert!

Tips that make all the difference

  • Substitute an equal amount of maple syrup for the sugar in pancake batter.
  • Add a touch of maple syrup to whipped cream or meringue to give it a subtle taste.
  • Substitute maple syrup for sugar in bread, cake and frosting recipes. Pouding chômeur, fudge and sugar pie acquire a distinctive taste when prepared with maple syrup.
  • Homemade milkshakes containing a touch of maple syrup and maple sugar become an exquisite treat.
  • Dip fruit in a maple fondue to delight your guests.
  • Mix the juice of 4 lemons, 2/3 cup (160 mL) of syrup and 4 cups (one litre) of water to make a refreshing lemonade drink in the summer.

The Classics...

Maple Taffy On Snow

The Ever-Popular Maple Taffy On Snow

To make your own maple taffy on snow, pure maple syrup must be used, instead of a store-bought maple-flavored syrup.

First of all, make sure you have a good quantity of fresh, clean snow available. It's possible to store snow in vacuum-sealed bags in the freezer. So gather it ahead of time, while preparing for your sugar shindig.

In a pot, boil the maple syrup until it reaches a temperature of 110°C (225°F). If you don't have a candy thermometer, here's a useful trick to determine the syrup's readiness. Let a drop of hot syrup fall into a glass of very cold water. If the drop stays in a ball without coming apart, the syrup is ready.

Spread the syrup in strips on the clean snow, which has previously been filled into a vat or large pot outside. When the taffy starts to solidify, small wooden spatulas or popsicle sticks can be used to roll up and gather the strips.

Pork Grills How-To

Another classic of the sugaring season, pork grills are a cinch to prepare.

Cut a bloc of salted bacon fat into strips of 1,2 to 1,5 cm (¼ to ½ inch) thick. Blanch them in boiling water for approximately 5 minutes. Drain and roast in a 180°C (350°F) oven until they become golden and crispy. Turn regularly for an even cooking. It's also possible to cook your blanched pieces of bacon fat in a frying pan until they become crispy, just as you would regular bacon.


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