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- Marjoram / Oregano
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Marjoram / Oregano

Marjoram is a plant of the Labiatae family, with pale green leaves and white or pink flowers, which are used as spices. A close relative of oregano, the flavour is a little softer than oregano. Marjoram is a great complement for recipes with a Mediterranean flavour.
Oregano is also a plant of the Labiatae family, with dark green leaves and pink flowers, used as spices. Oregano’s taste and smell are somewhat more pronounced than those of marjoram.
Culinary tips and advice
- Both herbs are indispensable in Mediterranean cuisine, particularly in regions of Italy and Provence. They are used to enhance the taste of tomatoes, sauces, vinaigrettes, fish, shellfish, eggs, charcuterie and so on.
- Branches of oregano or marjoram are often used to flavour oils or vinegars.
- Delicately flavour olive oil by adding one branch of oregano to the bottle.
- These herbs are best with pizzas, tomato sauces, grilled meats, poultry, omelets, eggplant, Greek salad and feta cheese.
- Oregano is marjoram’s little cousin! Though the first is known for its slightly sweet flavour, the two can easily be substituted for each other in recipes.

Storage Life
Dried oregano and marjoram will keep a long time in an air-tight opaque container stored in a cool dry place. Their flavour and aroma can also be preserved in oil or vinegar.