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- Cooking Pears: Three Inspirational Methods
Cooking Pears: Three Inspirational Methods

Although pears are juiciest and tastiest when in season, they burst with potential all year long. Isn’t it time you learned some new cooking methods to make the most of this flavourful fruit?

Poached pears
Step-by-step method:
1Peel the pears and remove the core, while leaving the stem in place and preserving the fruit’s shape. Perfect for an attractive presentation!
2Next, prepare a flavourful liquid. White or red wine, port, cranberry juice, chai tea, homemade syrup—the possibilities are endless!
3Simmer over low heat, making sure there’s enough liquid to keep pears covered. Cook until tender.
4Let cool, then place the pears and cooking liquid in the refrigerator. Doing so will bring out the flavour tenfold!
5Serve the poached pears cold, at room temperature or slightly warmed. They keep in the fridge for up to a week.
Serving suggestions:

With mascarpone, ricotta or honey-flavoured Greek yogurt and granola

With a scoop of vanilla ice cream and caramel sauce

In a salad made of spinach, blueberries and walnuts /p>

Caramelized pears
Step-by-step method:
1Core pears and cut into quarters or cubes.
2In a large frying pan, melt a little butter, then add the pieces of pear.
3For a splendidly sweet taste, add a touch of brown sugar, honey or maple syrup. The mix can also be enhanced with cinnamon, spices, fresh ginger or lemon juice.
4Cook until pears are fully caramelized.
Serving suggestions:

In tarts with caramelized onions and brie cheese

Over French toast, waffles or crepes with a hint of cinnamon and crème fraîche

On pizza crust or flatbread topped with Gorgonzola, prosciutto, arugula and grilled pecans

Pear chips
Step-by-step method:
1Cut off the top and bottom of the pears, and remove the core.
2Slice thinly ensuring uniform thickness. Remove any seeds.
3Place pear slices on a baking sheet covered with parchment paper. Make sure the slices do not touch each other.
4Sprinkle with brown sugar or spices, if desired.
5Cook on your oven’s lowest setting for about two hours, turning the slices over after one hour.
Serving suggestions:

With caramel, chocolate or honey yogurt dip

Crumbled and served as a sweet topping on salads and soups

As the perfect pairing with cheese and cold-cut platters