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Cooking with Thyme

Thyme has been used for medicinal and aromatic purposes for thousands of years. Its name comes from the Greek thumos meaning “odour” because of its highly aromatic qualities. There are 60 different varieties of thyme, including lemon thyme and the French serpolet.
Culinary tips and advice
- Remove stems before using whole thyme.
- Fresh thyme blends well with dried beans, sauces, eggs, tomato purée or coulis, vegetables, stuffing and grilled meats and fish.
- It tolerates heat well, so it can be used in recipes that require longer cooking times such as stews, cassoulet and courts-bouillons.
Expert Tip
With parsley and laurel, thyme is a main ingredient in the traditional bouquet garni. It is also particularly fragrant in vinegars.
Dried thyme should be stored in an airtight, opaque container, in a cool, dry place.