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Discovering Mushrooms!

Every season brings with it a different atmosphere, a distinct aroma, specific moments and impressions. Remember the smell of new school books in September, the excitement of the first snow flakes in December? This sense of expectation is exactly what we send you every month. Created and organized along monthly themes, we provide you with culinary tips, recipes and articles that will inspire you each and every time!
9 fresh varieties to discover
What to look for?
Mushrooms should be clean, firm to the touch, neither wet nor slimy and with a moist stem.
Dried Mushrooms
Reconstituting dried mushrooms
Cover with boiling water and let stand for 20 minutes or until tender. Strain. Use like regular, fresh mushrooms.
Using dried mushrooms
Dried mushrooms can also be ground in a coffee grinder and added to soups or stews, just before serving, for a real flavour boost.
Reserving the liquid
Let soaking liquid stand until grit and dirt settle on the bottom of the container. Strain. Use in stocks, sauces, soups or stews.
Storing dried mushrooms
Store in a cool, dry spot. They also keep well in the refrigerator.
Chanterelles may be yellow, orange, white or grey. They have wavy-edged cup-shaped caps, with gill-like ridges that run down tapering stems. Raw, their firm flesh can be slightly chewy with a mild, nutty, peppery flavour.
Menu suggestions
Serve them raw or slow-cooked — high heat makes them a bit rubbery. Delicious and aromatic on pizza or in omelettes, quiches and soups. Tasty in stews or with chicken fried rice.
Refrigerate up to 5 days in a brown paper bag.


Considered the king of mushrooms, porcinis have broad reddish-brown caps, short thick stems, and meaty white flesh. Firm in texture, they are exceptionally flavourful and aromatic.
Menu suggestions
Raw in salads or serve grilled with lamb chops or duck breasts. Superb cooked with shallots and garlic. Delicious in an omelette, risotto or sauce for beefsteak.
Refrigerate up to 5 days in a brown paper bag.
Yellow, ochre or brown, morels have sometimes sponge-like, cone-shaped caps and firm flesh ranging from pale brown to black. They have a nutty flavour, a woodsy aroma and a crunchy, honeycomb-like texture. Unlike other mushrooms, morels grow in sand and must therefore be rinsed thoroughly to remove grit from their pitted caps.
Menu suggestions
Always cook before eating. Add to cream or white wine sauces, chicken dishes or omelettes.
Refrigerate up to 2 days in a brown paper bag.


The most popular mushroom in the country comes in three sizes: button, medium and jumbo. Cooking enhances its woodsy flavour.
Menu suggestions
Serve raw or cooked in salads, as an appetizer or soups. Also delicious marinated.
Keep refrigerated for up to 5 days in a brown paper bag.
Firmer than white mushrooms, coffee mushrooms are squat with a short stem. They vary in colour from beige to dark brown and have a meaty, earthy flavour.
Menu suggestions
Eat raw or cooked in salads, as an appetizer or soups.
Keep refrigerated for up to 5 days in a brown paper bag.


A large, meaty, beige cap and firm, white flesh distinguish these mushrooms. They have a rich, full-bodied flavour with a soft, spongy texture.
Menu suggestions
Remove any hard stems, sauté on high heat and serve with pasta or as a side dish.
Keep refrigerated for up to 8 days in a brown paper bag.
These mushrooms have a light to dark brown, funnelshaped cap. Their slightly chewy, velvety flesh has a delicate, mild flavour.
Menu suggestions
Excellent with white meats, pasta and eggs. Because they are spongy and absorb flavours, they are delicious braised in water, vegetable or chicken broth. Avoid boiling.
Keep refrigerated for up to 5 days in a brown paper bag.


These mushrooms have long, white stems tiny, firm caps,They have a mild, fruity flavour and slightly crunchy texture.
Menu suggestions
Excellent raw or quickly cooked. Remove the brown bottom part of the stem. Great in salads, sandwiches, soups and pasta sauces. Widely used in Asian cooking.
Keep refrigerated for up to 8 days in a brown paper bag.
This brown mushroom has a large, flat cap and dark brown gills. It has a firm, meaty texture with an intense, earthy flavour.
Menu suggestions
Serve raw, pan-fried or grilled in hot appetizer or as a side dish.
Keep refrigerated for up to 7 days in a brown paper bag.

Nutritional value and Storage
Low in fat and calories, rich in potassium, riboflavin and fibre, fresh mushrooms are the only vegetables that contain Vitamin D.
Gently clean mushrooms with a damp cloth or a soft-bristled brush. Always handle with care, as mushrooms can be quite delicate. Never wash mushrooms because they absorb water like a sponge.
Unwashed mushrooms will keep for about a week in the refrigerator in a brown paper bag, which allows them to breathe and remain firm. The sooner you eat them, the better they'll taste.