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All About Tangelos

The tangelo is a hybrid of the tangerine, the grapefruit and the pomelo. Less acidic and sweeter than a pomelo, the tangelo is juicy and tasty.
The skin of the tangelo is thicker than that of the tangerine. Two varieties of tangelo are most commonly available: the Minneola and the Orlando. The Minneola tangelo is a hybrid of a Bowen grapefruit and a Dancy tangerine, and the Orlando tangelo is a cross between a Duncan grapefruit and a Dancy tangerine.
Tangelos are very juicy, tasty and sweet, but with a slight tartness. They are sometimes called honeybells because of their bell-like shape. Their rind and flesh are both bright orange in colour, and they may or may not contain seeds.

Culinary tips and advice
- If your tangelos are stored in the refrigerator, take them out and leave them at room temperature before eating for the best flavour.
- Tangelos add both taste and colour to poultry or fish dishes.
- To make a simple and sophisticated dessert, place tangelo segments on vanilla or coffee ice cream and add a splash of Grand Marnier.
Expert tip
Choose tangelos that are heavy for their size, with firm skin that is free of spots and bruises.
Tangelos are available year-round at METRO supermarkets.
Nutritional value
Much like its cousins mandarins and tangerines, the tangelo is an excellent source of vitamin A. It is also a relatively high source of folic acid, potassium and vitamin C.
Store tangelos in a cool place or in the fruit drawer of your refrigerator. To avoid condensation, which accelerates the deterioration of tangelos, punch small holes in plastic storage bags or leave storage containers half open.
Tangelo and family recipes to try